Economics of Culture and Institutions (BEE3073)
This course uses a historical and political economy approach to study the evolution and comparative development of societies, focusing on the role of domestic institutions and culture.
Intermediate Microeconomics (BEE2025)
This undergraduate-level course is part one of a two-part series covering the foundations of microeconomics. It focuses on the consumer side of the economy (the theory of the consumer and pure exchange economies).
Cultural Evolution, co-taught with Joseph Henrich
This graduate-level course develops the basic principles and lines of empirical inquiry in the field of cultural evolution and applies, hones and refines them by examining the origins of global inequality, the emergence of modern institutions, and the nature of psychological differences among populations.
Programming Practices for Research in Economics, co-taught with Lachlan Deer and Julian Langer
This graduate-level course provides a state of the art toolkit in data science practices within academic research in economics and business.